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Introspective, dreamlike, sometimes surreal, and yet so intimate and human, Chiara’s sound world is a texture of reflections, unique soundscapes, and her gentle voice. A mirrors to her inner world and the way she sees and perceives life. Chiara is a singer, composer, violinist, and producer who merges modern classical elements with electro/art - pop. After majoring in violin and composition & theory at the Zürich University of the Arts and the Lugano Conservatoire, she leaves her Swiss homeland and moves to London, where she studies vocal performance at the Institute of Contemporary Music Performance. Chiara Dubey’s debut album "Constellations" (2020) and subsequent signing with LIVANA MUSIC have been the starting point of her career, after which, supported by established European media – WDR, BBC Radio 3, Radio Rai 3, to name a few – her music soon started to spread across national borders and connect with listeners around the world. Chiara’s music has recently also been placed in the Spanish movie "Un Amor”, directed by Isabel Coixet (2023). At the moment, she is in the process of releasing her second album "CHANDANI",  expected in fall of 2024.



"30", the second single of my upcoming album is now available on all streaming platforms! Click here to stream or download the track. 

This year, I turned 30. It felt like a passage to another state of being, a subtle yet surprising change in how I feel about myself, and in the way I see myself.

There is a new-found ease, awareness, and confidence, that was never there before. '30' is perhaps the track which best summarises the message of the whole 'CHANDANI' album in one line: “Happy in her own skin”. I know it probably is just a chapter, and it will leave the space for the next one, eventually. But I am loving this place right here, and just wanted to wrap it up in music. 

I hope it will touch you

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